ホッケー独り言(Thinking out loud about Hockey)


アイスホッケーはコートがそんなに広くないし、スピードも陸上スポーツの比じゃない。だからなおのこと守備は最前線から始まっているといえる。むしろdefenceがいるからなんて思ったら終わり…できるだけ前で奪ってできるだけ長くAzでプレイする。 forwardは点を決めることも大事だけどどれだけ3人でガチガチのforecheckをかけられるかも大事。そしてそのあとはしっかり責任持ってbackcheck。

あと小さい頃からアイスホッケーをやってきた人と大学から始めた人の違いは壁際にあると思う。経験者の人たちは氷はもちろん壁もお友達って感じがする笑 壁際でのストップにはどうしても勇気がいるからギリギリまでforecheckかけれなかったりする。というか経験者の人たちは壁にぶつかって止まってる笑

それからパスの距離感も近い。careerに対して受ける側が近付いていく感じ。パスの主導が受け手。受け手はスピードに乗っていてかつ、自分の貰いやすいポジションだからそのままいっきに上がることができる。もちろんこれだけではないけど少なくともbreak outはこんな感じが多い気がする。




Forecheck is so fast in the strong teams regardless of 2-1-2 or 1-2-2,the formation.Anyway,when they decide to steal the puck,even though the team the formation of which is 1-2-2 go forecheck by two players.

Ice rink is not so big and the play speed is much faster than the ground sports,Therefore,all the more it's important for forward to try forechecking.They shouldn't think that it's ok because we have defense players.So they have to steal the puck as soon as possible and keep playing in the Az. Certainly,the important thing for foward players is scoring but also forecheck is vital and backcheck is as well.

I also think there is a difference about the play near a wall between the players who play hockey since they were kids or they became adult.The former is used to playing alongside a wall,this is partly because they can do hockeystop really well and also they can stop using the wall.This is a little difficult for the latter due to feeling afraid.

In addition,the sense of distance between players is closer,when they pass the puck.The player who receives the puck is come to close the puck carrier so the receiver leads to the pass and then the man has enough speed and good position for him so they can go into Az more smooth.